A few months ago, Arlingsworth solicitors embarked on a campaign to find out how prevalent discrimination was in Brighton & Hove. Today we’re pleased to finally reveal the results of our discrimination survey, and find out whether discrimination is a problem for our city.

How you helped us

We started by looking at discrimination in the workplace, and then looked at discrimination overall – how it occurs in daily life. We wanted to see the whole depth and breadth of the issue, looking at what kind of discrimination occurred, where it usually happens, and whether legal action was taken. Over 500 people visited our survey over a period of a month, and from the results we got from that pool, Arlingsworth have drawn some quite interesting conclusions.

In order to make them easier to understand, we’ve turned our results into separate, mini-infographics for you. Have a look below!

Discrimination survey results
How recently have people experienced discrimination?

45% of respondents said they’ve experienced at least some form of discrimination in the last year. The rest were split between 1-2 years ago, and 5-10 years ago. It shows that discrimination is still a trend that’s not decreasing.

What are the reasons for discrimination?

Our results point out that discrimination happens mostly because of gender. We’ve seen a slant towards females being discriminated against, rather than males, which indicates that sexism is still a problem that needs to be corrected.

What does discrimination usually look like?

48% of respondents said it was verbal comments abuse, over exclusion and physical abuse or harm.

Who discriminates?

We thought this was an important question, as it helps us to figure out where the problem lies. It’s clear to see from the results that most discrimination occurs in the workplace, coming from a co-worker or manager. We think there is a need to help companies to be watchful for discrimination, and take steps to prevent it.

How recently have people experienced discrimination?

As a solicitors firm, Arlingsworth also wanted to know whether legal action was taken about the problem. Unfortunately, only 15% took legal action, which may mean people can’t afford help, or know that they have access to it.

How recently have people experienced discrimination?

As the results say that discrimination comes mostly from co-workers and managers, we asked whether respondents leaved their job because of it. Just over half (55%) said that yes, they did leave their job because of discrimination. Just under half stayed put.


From the results of our discrimination survey, Arlingsworth has realised that there is still a lot of work to be done in fighting discrimination in Brighton & Hove, especially within businesses. We want to try to help companies realise the problems of discrimination, and let employees know that it will not be tolerated. We also want to let people know that legal help, and financial help, is available.

Because of this, we’ve entered into a scheme whereby you can offset and defer legal costs until your issue is solved. We’ll be sharing more news about this soon on our site, Facebook and Twitter.